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International Training Center today

The International Training Center brings together specialists from different countries, forms a common knowledge base, implements educational awareness, promotes the strengthening of multilateral cooperation in combating trafficking in persons and illegal migration.

The International Training Center is a structural unit of the Academy of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of the Republic of Belarus. Since its inception, its international status makes special demands for the organization of the educational process, methodological and scientific support. Today, the International Training Center rightfully occupies one of the leading places in the European system of training specialists in the field of antitrafficking. Along with teaching the students the latest methods of management, ways and means of countering criminal activities related to migration and trafficking in human beings, the ITC participates in the development of transnational and departmental cooperation, synthesizes and disseminates best practices of law enforcement practice, prevention and minimization of the social consequences of trafficking in persons and illegal migration.

In the International Training Center, refresher courses, seminars and other educational events are organized for law enforcement and other government officials, as well as international, non-governmental organizations. Specialists from Belarus and foreign countries are trained. Experience and knowledge are shared by international experts.

As a platform for discussing topical issues, the International Training Center facilitates the effective organization of analysis and forecasting of the development of the criminal situation in the field of trafficking, the implementation of joint activities, the exchange of data on leaders and active participants in criminal communities, the joint development of international criminal groups, as well as coordination of activities and analysis of effectiveness large-scale operational and preventive measures in the designated area.

Numerous educational programs have been developed to train representatives of foreign states in such areas as combating human trafficking and child pornography, migration management, social and psychological assistance to victims of trafficking, refugee protection, combating organized crime, investigating economic crimes, high-tech crime and drug trafficking, expert technologies, psychology of criminogenic personality and criminal, police profile ng, Russian as a foreign language, harm reduction and HIV prevention among people who use drugs, etc.

The educational process is provided by the leading specialists of the Academy of the Ministry of Internal Affairs, carrying out scientific research on the profile of the center. To ensure the practical component of the training, the employees of the specialized units of the Ministry of Internal Affairs, the Supreme Court, the Prosecutor General's Office, the State Border Committee, the Investigation Committee, the State Control Committee and other Belarusian agencies involved in migration and anti-trafficking are actively involved. A key factor in providing practice-oriented training is the participation of law enforcement officials from EU countries, as well as international and non-governmental organizations. International experts consider the global trends of migration and human trafficking, share best practices of countries in the prevention, detection and investigation of crimes of the designated category, as well as minimize their consequences.

Information block

Phone: +375-17 289-21-95, +375-17 289-21-09
Fax: +375-17 375-26-47
Adress: 220005, Republic of Belarus, Minsk, 6 Masherov Avenue