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Учебные курсы Международного учебного центра подготовки, повышения квалификации и переподготовки кадров в сфере миграции и противодействия торговле людьми

  1. Anti-riot course.
  2. Assault of the planes and buildings.
  3. Best practices and perspectives of combating trafficking in human being.
  4. Combating child pornography on the internet.
  5. Combating economic crimes.
  6. Combating high tech crimes.
  7. Combating organised crime.
  8. Combating trafficking in human beings: system analysis, international cooperation and the ways of perfection of law-enforcement practice.
  9. Explosives course.
  10. External labour migration.
  11. Fundamentals of modern law enforcement activity (Module training for law enforcement officers).
  12. International and national protection of refugees.
  13. Investigation of crimes in the field of illegal drug trafficking.
  14. Logistic models of crime scene investigation and use the results of their application in the activities of criminal prosecution.
  15. Migration of population: migration flows management, protection of refugees.
  16. Migration of population: structural characteristics, organizational and legal models of regulation.
  17. Modern forensic techniques of identification of documents to determine their authenticity.
  18. Psychology of a criminal and its consideration in criminal procedure.
  19. Psychology of a criminogenic personality: possibilities for effective correction and prevention of criminal behavior.
  20. Russian as a foreign language (police lexis).
  21. Self defense course.
  22. Small arms training for police officers.
  23. Sniper course.
  24. Social and psychological assistance to victims of trafficking.
  25. Special police physical training.
  26. Training of dog experts and sniffer dogs.
  27. Use of multi-rotor unmanned aerial vehicles by law enforcement officers.
  28. VIP protection course.
  29. War activity in the city.