Учебные курсы Международного учебного центра подготовки, повышения квалификации и переподготовки кадров в сфере миграции и противодействия торговле людьми
- Anti-riot course.
- Assault of the planes and buildings.
- Best practices and perspectives of combating trafficking in human being.
- Combating child pornography on the internet.
- Combating economic crimes.
- Combating high tech crimes.
- Combating organised crime.
- Combating trafficking in human beings: system analysis, international cooperation and the ways of perfection of law-enforcement practice.
- Explosives course.
- External labour migration.
- Fundamentals of modern law enforcement activity (Module training for law enforcement officers).
- International and national protection of refugees.
- Investigation of crimes in the field of illegal drug trafficking.
- Logistic models of crime scene investigation and use the results of their application in the activities of criminal prosecution.
- Migration of population: migration flows management, protection of refugees.
- Migration of population: structural characteristics, organizational and legal models of regulation.
- Modern forensic techniques of identification of documents to determine their authenticity.
- Psychology of a criminal and its consideration in criminal procedure.
- Psychology of a criminogenic personality: possibilities for effective correction and prevention of criminal behavior.
- Russian as a foreign language (police lexis).
- Self defense course.
- Small arms training for police officers.
- Sniper course.
- Social and psychological assistance to victims of trafficking.
- Special police physical training.
- Training of dog experts and sniffer dogs.
- Use of multi-rotor unmanned aerial vehicles by law enforcement officers.
- VIP protection course.
- War activity in the city.